ID VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750
Short Name
Name Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750
Company VTech
Description Technically the Laser 350 / 500 / 700 / 750 are completely different from the Laser 100 / 200 / 300 family and thus non compatible with them.
All 4 computers are nearly identical but the Laser 350 uses a Laser 300 case while the Laser 500 / 700 / 750 use a "new" case.
Though the CPU is still a Z80A compatible one (the D780c from NEC), its capabilities are better.
There are now 6 graphical modes, ranging from 160 x 96 in 16 colors to 640 x 192 in 2 colors. The memory size is also bigger compared to the old series and ranges from 16K RAM for the Laser 350, to 128K RAM for the Laser 750. The Laser 500 and 700 have 64K.
Date Available 1985
Type Computer
Alternate Names VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750
Matches tosec VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 - Games - [BIN]
tosec VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 - Games - [WAV]
oldcomputers 449
tosec VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 - Games - [BIN]
    "id": "VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 - Games - [BIN]",
    "name": "VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 - Games - [BIN]",
    "altNames": [
        "VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750"
tosec VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 - Games - [WAV]
    "id": "VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 - Games - [WAV]",
    "name": "VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 - Games - [WAV]",
    "altNames": [
        "VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750"
oldcomputers 449
    "type_id": 1,
    "id": 449,
    "pages": {
        "photos": "photos.asp?t=1&c=449&st=1",
        "hardware": "hardware.asp?t=1&c=449&st=1",
        "emulators": "emulator.asp?c=449&st=1",
        "docs": "docs.asp?c=449&st=1",
        "comments": "forum.asp?c=449&st=1"
    "image": "",
    "company_link": "company.asp?st=1&m=141",
    "company_name": "Video Technology",
    "company_logo": "",
    "description": "Technically the Laser 350 / 500 / 700 / 750 are completely different from the Laser 100 / 200 / 300 family and thus non compatible with them.\nAll 4 computers are nearly identical but the Laser 350 uses a Laser 300 case while the Laser 500 / 700 / 750 use a \"new\" case.\nThough the CPU is still a Z80A compatible one (the D780c from NEC), its capabilities are better.\nThere are now 6 graphical modes, ranging from 160 x 96 in 16 colors to 640 x 192 in 2 colors. The memory size is also bigger compared to the old series and ranges from 16K RAM for the Laser 350, to 128K RAM for the Laser 750. The Laser 500 and 700 have 64K.\n<a href=\"doc.asp?c=449\"><img src=\"graphs/readmore.gif\" border=\"0\" vspace=\"4\"></a>",
    "name": "Laser 350 / 500 / 700 / 750",
    "manufacturer": "Video Technology",
    "type": "Home Computer",
    "origin": "Hong Kong",
    "year": "1985",
    "built_in_language": "Basic v3.0 (Microsoft Basic)",
    "keyboard": "AZERTY / QWERTY, 77 mechanical keys<br>10 function keys<br>INS / DEL / DEL LINE / CLS HOME keys<br>4 cursor keys, CAPS LOCK key with led<br>2 SHIFT keys",
    "cpu": "NEC D780c (Z80A compatible)",
    "speed": "3,58 MHz",
    "ram": "Laser 350 : 16 KB, up to 128 KB<br>Laser 500 / 700 : 64 KB (30 KB free), up to 128 KB<br>Laser 750 : 128 KB",
    "rom": "32 KB",
    "text_modes": "40 x 24 in 16 colors<br>80 x 24 in 2 colors among 16",
    "graphic_modes": "GR0 = 160 x 96 in 16 colors<br>GR1 = 160 x 192 in 2 colors among 16<br>GR2 = 320 x 192 in 2 colors<br>GR3 = 160 x 192 in 16 colors<br>GR4 = 320 x 192 in 2 colors among 16<br>GR5 = 640 x 192 in 2 colors",
    "colors": "16",
    "sound": "1 voice, 6 octaves (Beeper)",
    "size_weight": "40 x 23 x 7 cm",
    "io_ports": "Tape-recorder (600 bauds)<br>RGB DIN plug<br>Composite monitor out<br>Expansion port<br>Laser 350 / 500 : Memory expansion port<br>Laser 700 / 750 : 2 floppy disk drive ports<br>Laser 700 / 750 : Centronic port",
    "power_supply": "Laser 500 : 9v 500mA  - -(o- +<br>Laser 700 / 750 : Power supply built-in",
    "peripherals": "Disk drive<br>64 KB & 128 KB memory expansion<br>Centronic Interface<br>RS232 Interface<br>Joysticks<br>Lightpen<br>Analogic/Digital converter<br>Digital/Analogic converter",
    "price": "Laser 500 : 457 <img src=\"/site/graphs/euro.gif\" align=\"bottom\">  with diskdrive (France, may 85)",
    "photos": [
            "name": "The Laser 500 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "The Laser 700 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "<p class=\"petitgris\">Thanks to Stephan Walgenbach</p>"
            "name": "Laser 500 side ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Laser 500 rear ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Laser 500 opened ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Laser 500 motherboar... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "We can easily spot the CPU, the 2 ROMs and the memory chips...\r\n<br><br>\r\nThe mother board is quite small and can easily fit in a Laser 350 case."
    "hardware": [
            "name": "Laser 700 connectivity sketch",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Centronic Expansion",
            "image": "",
            "description": "This was for the Laser 350 / 500 as the Laser 700 / 750 had a built-in Centronic port on their side."
    "emulators": [
            "name": "MESS",
            "url": "",
            "platform": "Other platform",
            "description": "MESS emulates the Laser 350/500/700 !"